RIP Pink Chicken?
Not so fast....
Just because I haven't talked about it, doesn't mean I haven't been living it.
Let's recap.
If you are a new reader, and you have no idea what I'm talking about click on 'Self Imposed Poverty' under my labels to catch up if ya'd like.
June sucker punched the Pink Chicken right in the beak.
She fell - and she couldn't get up.
It wasn't pretty for a few weeks.
So many unexpected expenses, it just seemed like my pockets had holes in them all the ding dang month.
I looked on Monster.com quite often.
I hemmed.
I hawed.
I worried.
I fussed and fretted.
"I" wanted to fix it.
"I" wanted to fix it.
I felt like a failure when July 4th came and went and I wasn't out of debt.
I comforted myself with the thought that to fail at something meant you were trying.
I still live without.
Without more than I think many people are willing to give up.
I won't pay for texting, fancy TV stations or eating out.
I've eaten out once in five months - (I mean sitting down with a waitress - I have gone through McD's for an occasional chicken salad in a pinch).
You'd be surprised what you think are necessities that aren't.
I wash my Ziplocs.
I make my laundry soap.
I hang it laundry the line to dry - winter and summer.
I've gone to the mall once in the last year.
I don't look at catalogs that come in the mail.
99% of my wardrobe is from the resale shop.
I gave Glenco the bill folder and told him I didn't want to do it anymore - to let me know when I needed to go get a job.
He hasn't mentioned it yet - seems he cottons to having me meet him at the door with a cold glass of iced tea in hand, having time to chat about his day.
Seems he cottons to a house in order, a happy wife and an endless supply of clean underwear.
My heart's desire is to cultivate a quiet life.
A life that is peaceful, rich in contentment.
A life that is worth living -
a life unencumbered by debt and living beyond my means in order to help those living below theirs.
True needs that I haven't been able to meet because I was busy meeting my wants.
It sounds easy in theory.
It's not.
This summer I've been on a journey of living without.
Living without certain foods I'd love to indulge in.
Living without material goods I'd love to indulge in.
Sometimes I'm content.
Sometimes I pout.
As I sit here and type this from my unfinished front porch, feeling leaner than I have in years, feeling more peaceful than I've ever felt I can tell you most assuredly -
Busyness is not a virtue.
You'd be surprised what you think are necessities that aren't.
I wash my Ziplocs.
I make my laundry soap.
I hang it laundry the line to dry - winter and summer.
I've gone to the mall once in the last year.
I don't look at catalogs that come in the mail.
99% of my wardrobe is from the resale shop.
I gave Glenco the bill folder and told him I didn't want to do it anymore - to let me know when I needed to go get a job.
He hasn't mentioned it yet - seems he cottons to having me meet him at the door with a cold glass of iced tea in hand, having time to chat about his day.
Seems he cottons to a house in order, a happy wife and an endless supply of clean underwear.
My heart's desire is to cultivate a quiet life.
A life that is peaceful, rich in contentment.
A life that is worth living -
a life unencumbered by debt and living beyond my means in order to help those living below theirs.
True needs that I haven't been able to meet because I was busy meeting my wants.
It sounds easy in theory.
It's not.
This summer I've been on a journey of living without.
Living without certain foods I'd love to indulge in.
Living without material goods I'd love to indulge in.
Sometimes I'm content.
Sometimes I pout.
As I sit here and type this from my unfinished front porch, feeling leaner than I have in years, feeling more peaceful than I've ever felt I can tell you most assuredly -
Busyness is not a virtue.
I love it girlie. Amen too...less is more! I applaud you and am amazed at what you have accomplished in ALL areas of your life! I'm still not sure though I want to come for a long visit after seeing your post on how you welcomed Jamie there. Ha. We'll have to talk! :)
ReplyDeleteThe key to happiness (front door) moderation (back door) setting goals, striving and achieving them.
ReplyDeleteYour Friend,
I hear you..you are living my life. I haven't been to a REAL restaurant in almost 9 years now! I have not gone away in 10.
ReplyDeleteBut yes..less is more..less to worry about..less to worry about losing..less to take care of....
My biggest fear is I won't see the light of day until I actually move form this place, which the thought of is overwhelming...
I have been through so many changes in the past year and a half my head is spinning. (not to mention the past 9 years)
Love your posts....and your humor!
Great post! Heart felt and so real... touched my soul.
ReplyDeleteI'm living a life that I never, in my worst nightmare imagined. We had it all - 3 healthy kids, a beautiful home, no debt (even the house was paid for!) and I stayed home and lived the dream.
Then our son got sick. And a heart transplant costs 5 MILLION dollars and his medicine, therapies and care costs over 5,000 a month. And now, our savings are gone, we have not one but two mortgages and honestly, I don't know how the hell we manage to stay afloat every month.
BUT - our precious boy is a live and fighting hard to regain his physicality and his life. and some how we have managed SO FAR to keep the house and him - lol! God is good..... not always easy to see and feel it, but I know this to be true.
Hang in there.... I know we're trying to and I appreciate the "company" !
hugs and blessings from New Jersey,
I love that! 'Busyness is not a virtue'. My husband also enjoys having me home so what is a gal to do? We are sympatico. law.
ReplyDeleteSimply said from your heart...simply felt in mine.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
Jayme, such truth spoken. Have a great Wednesday!
ReplyDeleteLady, you are a one-woman revolution ... changing the way we all look at life. Thank you for inspiring me with every. single. post. Have a lovely day, enjoying a contented less is more life filled with the simple moments that really are the most important.
ReplyDeleteLands Alive it's like you read my mind! I sure needed a pep talk. you delievered right on time!
I needed this today.
ReplyDeleteAmen to that!!
Angie from Ohio
It is a lesson a lot of us need to learn!
ReplyDeleteTo Gena who posted above..i will be praying for your family! Your courage and love for your child pours from you!
Rebekah in Ohio
Dear Jamye, May all your wishes and dreams come true for you dear girl. I am amazed by you and all that you've acomplished. Take care and enjoy every minute! Love, Penny
ReplyDeleteAmen my pink friend! I love that you gave over the bills to Glenco. Wish I had that option. It would not be welcome, nor would it be a good idea.
ReplyDeleteDid I ever tell you how much I LOVE YOU?
ReplyDeleteWe all know you are trying very hard. Gets tiring, doesn't it? And scary. I have learned it is not easy for an "older woman" to get a job.
ReplyDeleteBrilliant. Loved this so much. What a journey you have been on! God bless you all the way as you live life full and rich by His good grace!
ReplyDeleteGO PINK CHICKEN GO! Just came in from talking to a student who had thrifted and visited Goodwill for the 1st time today... We talked pink savings and simplifying, then I picked up my "It's All Too Much" book by Peter Walsh for an extra boost . His "Does this clutter Make My Butt Look Fat ?" book is good also. You got it so right. Busyness is NOT a virtue. I love everything you share. Just waiting for more gluten free/basic recipes (hint hint)!
I have a little cross-stitched sampler, framed in old barnwood that says simply, "I have learned that to be with those I love is enough." It hangs in the hall of every house we've ever owned and it keeps me focused.
ReplyDeleteCalm the hell down.
ReplyDeleteThat was your advice for flower patch farm girl and I just LOVED it.
The less you have the less you have to worry about! :-) I actually think I'm a bit envious of your new lifestyle.
ReplyDeleteYOU ROCK!!!
ReplyDeleteLaura in OH
Amen! I totally agree.
ReplyDeleteYou're an inspiration to me everyday!
ReplyDeleteThank you!
I LOVE your blog. It is as though you are writing (beautifully, I might add) the swirling thoughts in my head.
ReplyDeleteYou are an inspiration and I look forward to each and every post!
Golden Nuggets of the sought out secrets of Life... that sometimes you can only find in the darkness of the "unknowns" you find yourself walking in, with that little lamp burning - when you are SEARCHING for what you know is a hidden treasure buried so deep that many will not find it, and others will overlook it.
ReplyDeleteRAH. I know of what you speak girl. It takes intentional and driven purpose to get out there and dig. but you will never find it walking in the light of "what everybody else is doing" and where everybody else is going...Yes? Hugs to you girl...I don't know if this will take...my commenter has been SICK...SICK I tell you...(okay my compy has been full of viruses...) I shall hit send and see if this comment takes...today.
I just started following your blog so I don't know all of the background story but I'm proud of your strength to weather this storm. Both your health and your finances are improving solely but surely. Your doing great and I'm proud of you.