Seems the day just gets started, and before you know it,
the shadows are long.
Computer time is but a luxury right now.
Seems the day has a mind of it's own.
It just goes.
Thought I'd just give you a semi-quick overview of what we've been up to here at the Coop.
I had a baby in my spare time.
No, no no....just joking.
My friend Aisha flew out from Colorado and stayed a few days for a mutual friend's mother's funeral. Did I get one picture of my friend? Of course not - she has a baby! Aaron was in love and said he wants six. I asked him to please wait a few years.
I've been doing a lot of cooking and baking.
I'll share the recipe for these Honey Cookies over on
I spent the day Saturday at the Kane County Flea and Antique Market with my pal Cynthia.
I'd planned on getting a lot of cool photos to share with you.
But once I ran into this, I was too traumatized to continue taking photos.
You aren't going to believe what I found at the flea market!
See that laundry tub!?
I know what you are she gonna use that?
Every day sit my coffee on.
I've been out in the garden a LOT.
Which leads to moments like this.
Legs up on the wall.
Achy, tired legs.
Tired hands.
67 days to the Garden Walk.
I still have a couple of emails to return with your gardening questions...give me another day or two ok?
Lots of schoolin' this week. I'm a little freaked out over yesterday's Language Arts lesson.
I ALWAYS thought that showing possession on a word that ends in 's', you use s'.
Get this - and I still can't believe it.
I'm wrong.
So, a name like James, would be James's. What?? Was Aaron's text book wrong? I always thought it would be James'. Nope. The name Jesus, you do use Jesus', or other 'historical names'.
It said only on words showing PLURAL possession do you use the ' at the end.
Please tell me if this is right.
Had an impromptu bee class.
I'm fascinated with these creatures. I still haven't been stung, and I have to tell you I'm getting rather cocky about it.
Aaron however, was stung.
He took it like a man - eventually.
Yesterday, whilst doing yardwork in my pajamas and ballcap, I had an impromptu visit from my friends Craig and Kathy Collins.
I hadn't seen them in YEARS!
I'm sure I made an impression.
It was the highlight of my day.
They are the kind of people you just want to fold up and put in your pocket.
Today was our 'hitch up the buggy and go to town day'
And just looky what I found in the trash of all places.
Old windows and a ladder.
This picture is a pretty good representation of what my vehicle looks like at any given moment.

On the way home from town, I got a call from Glenco saying Ed the Bee Guy called to tell me that he was removing a swarm from a lilac bush.
I made a beeline straight there (sorry).
It was amazing.
I was surprised at the ease in which he removed the swarm.
That's been my week in a nutshell.
What have you been up to?
Remember - when life stings you - keep smilin'

Added Thursday morning after receiving this link from a pal:
Plurals and Possession
My friends and I were having a discussion the other day concerning the possessive of names which end in the letter 's'. Several of us remembered being taught that, for example, it was correct to use either James' or James's to indicated that something belonged to James. Others in our group were adamant that only James' was correct. Could you clarify the issue for us?
Answer: Forming possession on words that end in s" is much less confusing if you sound out the word. The rule you are trying to remember concerns forming possession on *plural* nouns — not words ending in "s" generally.
Though it ends in "s," "James" is singular: "James is a great guy." To indicate possession, you would *say*, "Fido is Jamziz dog." You would write, therefore, "James's."
Say you live next door to a family surnamed James. When describing the lot of them, you'd form a plural with "es": the Jameses. You would use the "es" because the singular ends in "s," and we couldn't pronounce the double-s: the Jamess. You would *say*, "We are dining with the Jamziz (Jameses) tonight."
When describing a family possession, you'd *say*, "That is the Jamziz car," but you would write, "Jameses'." In this case, you would not need the extra "s." It does not get pronounced. You do not say,"Jamziziz." The apostrophe alone suffices to indicate possession.
Apostrophes, by the way, indicate that something has been left out (don't = do not). What is left out with 's is a morpheme English used to use a long time ago. In 1290, we would have written something like "Fido is Jamesis dog."