Onward, and downward.
The scale is moving in the right direction, I see muscles popping out in fun places.
I'm pretty much right on track to meet my January 2012 goal.
Am I perfect?
Far from it.
Am I working on it?
I was called 'skinny' by two different people yesterday.
Trust me - I'm far from it - but compared to a year ago? Ya - I'm skinny.
Aaron wanted to take my picture to show me how skinny I was...ha.
Love that BoyChild.
He keeps looking at me and asking me 'where did you go?'.
Within this post are some pics - I need you guys to vote on my hair color.
I've been a blond for a long time, and everyone tells me I look best as a blond - I feel the most like myself as a blond - if that makes a lick of sense - but here are a few pics of other hair colors I've had - interspersed with the text.
me with flaming red hair - very hard to maintain!
So here it is already - Wednesday.
And that means it's Wellness Wednesday.
Today I wanted to talk about food addiction.
This will be a rather short post - cause I'm no expert, I'm just a food addict - in recovery.
If you want to delve more into it - all ya'd have to do is Google it.
I still fight that title at times, I think they call that denial.
I'm coming to terms with it - some days better than others, some days - not at all.
I no longer hide to eat.
That was a big one for me.
Hiding in the corner of the pantry - stuffing my face with whatever came loose.
Baking chips, coconut, peanut butter, crackers, etc.
Going through drive-thrus alone - where the only people that knew of my devilment were me and 'Trish' at the DQ drive-thru - all evidence destroyed before I ever got home.
Now - if I do eat - I do it openly.
I ate nearly a half a bag of marshmallows on Saturday night.
I struggled to eat them openly - everything in me wanted to hide.
Why did I eat the marshmallows?
Well - it was the only thing in the house that would give me that feeling I was looking for.
An apple wouldn't have cut it.
My beloved broccoli (I made a special trip to the grocery store today cause I was out of broccoli - and I kissed it as I put it in the fridge - I've plum lost my mind.) wouldn't have cut it.
I needed sugar mainlined into my veins.
I needed bacon.
I needed pizza and bowls of ice cream.
I needed a feeling.
I needed a warm hug.
I needed chocolate and butter.
Or 'it'?
The addiction.
I think 'it' needed it.
I try to separate myself from the addiction - because "I" want to be healthy, make healthy choices, and break free from the pull of food.
"It" doesn't.
It wants to be soothed like a baby when I'm feeling down.
It wants what it wants when it wants it.
It would have me sitting in a size 20 jeans again.
Blond hair gone wrong - |
One of the things that helps me the most is to see myself in third person when I'm about ready to make a stupid move - like go to the Tastee Top and order a large cone dipped in Cotton Candy crunch topping.
It's almost like I'm watching a hidden video camera - of someone that's an addict - and I'm shouting 'no! don't do it!'
There are still places that are hard for me to be alone.
Walgreen's is one.
Alllllll thaaatttt cannnndddyyy!
Driving alone - seeing McDonald's signs that say
"try our new mango smoothie" - I hear a voice in my head say 'Ok!'.
I still at times envision myself on an LSD type high - floating through space where food, especially pulled pork sandwiches float with me and I'm just eating and eating.
I still dream of swimming in the nude in pools filled with Sugar Babies and battered, deep fried cauliflower.
Brunette Jayme - weird huh? Rather hankering for dark hair again - maybe it's the weather... |
But it's getting so much better - and the cleaner I stay, the quieter the voice in my head gets, and the calmer the cravings are.
It's not just about being a size 8 to me - it's about being free.
It's about nothing holding me back from being who I was created to be.
It's about not tripping over the same old tangled up roots in the yard of my life, but continuing on - growing, changing, evolving into the best Jayme there is.
It's about not digging my own grave with my fork.
It's about choosing foods that promote life and vitality.
I don't know what color this is!
It's about living for God's sake.
Food addiction is real.
I do believe that the very nature of foods most people consume on a regular basis are addictive.
Sugar, wheat, preservatives, etc.
If you, your true self really doesn't want to do something - something that you know is detrimental to your health - and you hear yourself saying 'I really shouldn't' - and you do it anyway -
wouldn't you call that addiction?