....all my troubles seemed so....
right up in my face.
And then along came you.
I'ma thankin' you from the bottom of my bottomless heart.
For realz.
Each and every comment was like a love note straight to me heart.
It appears that some crazy hormonal woman hacked my blog yesterday and started talking about not blogging and going to work full time.
Like that would happen.
I'd burst a blood vessel if I couldn't talk.
I just needed a bit of encouragement, a bit of 'you are on the right path', a bit of 'you are loved'.
And don't we all?
Yesterday was a day, m'goodness it was.
Gloomy as heck.
After I posted my blog post I got the house chores done, planned dinner (Chicken Breasts with a balsamic glaze, sweet potatoes and broccoli)
and decided to head to the gym to do my back, triceps and cardio.
I like saying 'today is back and tris'
Makes me feel cool.
Right before I left for the gym, I wrangled myself into my compression stockings.
I started wearing these a few months ago because I was experiencing leg cramps, leg heaviness, and honestly? I thought it might squeeze the fat out of my legs somehow.
Come to find out - from being a tub most of my life, I've veinous insufficiency in my legs, causing me to have low blood pressure - the stockings do milk my legs and help my blood pressure stay in the normal range. Helps me not pass out when I stand up. I appreciate that.
Milk my legs?
That makes me gag a little.
No more leg cramps and I must say that my legs feel more energetic.
Oh they are heavenly.
And they are expensive.
And I put a big ole run in a brand new pair yesterday.
photo from honeyrunfarm.blogspot.com |
And then - I had ONE frame of honey left to extract, and I really thought I oughta do that before I went to the gym.
Procrastinate much?
Glenco made me this contraption.
Oh it's a Jerry-rigged contraption if you've ever seen one.
It's a honey extractor of sorts - still in it's infant stages - still tweaking to be done -
and little did I know - it should not be, or I should say 'I should not be' operating it without adult (Glenco) supervision.
Long story short - I suffered a deep puncture wound in my hand.
It's ok now! Very sore, a tad swollen.
It's right about then when I lost it.
Law - I boohooed for 10 minutes.
"I should have gone to college!"
"Why didn't I birth no babies!?"
"If I had a high powered important job I wouldn't be puncturing myself on a homemade honey extractor!"
"Why didn't my parents get me braces!?"
It was right about then I realized I was dealing with a 'brotha from anotha motha'.
The 'H' word.
And then I started giggling a little and I dried my tears and tended my wounded hand and went to the gym.
(this is getting kinda long - sorry - hormonal ramblings do that to a girl - you might want a refill on whatever it is you're drinking)
When I got to the gym there was a really large young man sweating all over the cable row machine I needed. He finished up, cleaned the machine off and we started chatting a bit. I could tell he was extremely nervous in my presence (I do have that effect on people) and he was very chatty, not in a creepy way - but a self conscious way - I told him how I'd lost over a 100lbs, and he could too - to never give up - and to come and talk to me anytime he sees me in the gym, and needs encouragement.
Whilst I was doing my cable back rows, with perfect form by the way - it hit me - is that what I was like when I was heavy(er)? Is that why people think I'm so peaceful now? I no longer feel self conscious - I no longer care what people are thinking about me.
It felt good to get a good workout in.
You know - even when you don't know 'the big picture' for your life at times, you always know the little picture. You still need to do the things that need to be done. Workout, chores, cook dinner, dress yourself!!
The thrift store happened to be opening as I left the gym - and I stopped in and found an awesome pink cashmere cardigan for a dolla!
I found a sweet knit skirt and gray sweater - a great fall outfit - for two dollas!
And just when you thought life couldn't get any better -
(hormonal swing much?)
I went to the library and found a few fabulous books -
"Pretty Little Potholders" was one - (gotta start Christmas gifts!)
Last night - as I went to bed - I felt tremendously blessed.
I snapped this photo right before I jumped in bed.
I started singing "People Who Need People" loudly in my best Barbara Streisand voice.
Glenco wasn't too amused cause he'd bedded down 10 minutes earlier, and unbeknownst to me had already fallen asleep.