Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday 2009

Spent the day with the Millers. It's always a good time with the Miller's. Walt and Bonnie were there, Chris was visiting from Purdue. We ate til we were stuffed.

I also made Hot Cross Buns for the first time today, making anything with yeast is so therapeutic. They turned out great! The Lemon Cornmeal cake was 'ok'. It needed a little bit more baking. The Key Lime Cupcakes, fabulous!

Today is my first day of blogging, so pardon my knuckleheadedness whilst I figure this out.

Today I realized I wouldn't be happy without chickens again. Must have chickens, must make a chicken home first. I don't want them running the yard and porch like they did before.

1 comment:

  1. Hi you, you having a blog is cool, you have so much stuff that will make a awesome blog, good luck to you, and I love you. Jim


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