Hi again.
I'm stunned that I had comments - ha! Amazing. Thank you for still being about the world wide web and clicking here when you saw that I posted.
I'm here- once again.
I really, truly, have missed blogging.
What about it did I miss?
You guys.
The laughs.
The belly gazings.
The drivel.
Documenting my life.
Let's begin.
It's been a loooonnng time since I've blogged, as you know - and it's hard to just jump back in.
So much has happened.
I'm just slapping some photos on here to give you an idea of what we've been doing.
Glenco did indeed quit his job on March 15th of this year.
It was all sorts of scary.
Mallow money is our only income.
People keep asking Glen how he likes retirement - we both look at each other and chuckle a bit thinking 'they don't get it, do they?'
We've never worked so hard in all our born days.
We do take the Squirrel out for many shows. In fact, just this month we gutted the poor thing. I found taking a crowbar to the Squirrel more emotional than I thought I would - tearing out the benches that Aaron and I had our 'Lattes and Literature' at.
I'll talk more about that later.
Remember my cousin Jimmy? From Missouri?
This was last summer, he came up again this summer and helped us too.
This was last winter at the grand opening of an ice skating rink. See allllll those people? They were in a line to get s'mores. We roasted 400 s'mores in two hours. I.am.not.kidding.
Our work table looked like a crime scene - except it wasn't blood - it was chocolate!
I've had the logo redesigned somewhat - changed from red and yellow to blue and cream.
Of course, true Jayme-style - I question this decision on a weekly basis, and still wonder why I'm using a chicken in my logo.
I applied for, and was accepted by the Indiana Artisan organization as a food artisan. It's rather a big deal! They only accepted two food artisans this year, out of eighty applications, and I was one of them.
In the midst of the marshmallow mania - I felt the need to nurture SOMETHING. I adopted a pregnant cat. : -) She had five babies, which I then had to bottle feed after two weeks. We ended up keeping one of them.
I have no chickens, for now.
I re-homed them - just trying to keep life as simple as possible at the moment.
"Is that why you adopted a pregnant cat?"
Don't judge.
I also got zebra finches and a canary.
So there.
We do, many, many vintage markets. It's what seems to be our 'vibe'. I did a few festivals this past summer, but don't really cotton to people spillin' their beers upon my Waverly tablecloths.
There are so many vintage markets in the area - almost too many. It's hard to choose which one to do. I've been blessed with so many opportunities.
Just because I didn't think we had quite enough going on with our booth - marshmallows, s'mores, and a frozen hot chocolate drink - I up and made a Frosted Lemonade. It was an instant hit.
The Indiana Board of Tourism stopped at my booth and took some shots - I thought this montage turned out swell.
Just because s'mores, and s'mores on a stick weren't enough - I upped and made s'mores in a jar.
Again, and instant hit. Sold them like hotcakes. Then - we were doing a BIG show in South Bend, so I made 50 of them - and sold 3. For real.
I can't look at these anymore without feeling nauseated.
I hear that's what happens when you overeat something.
Not that I'd know a thing about that!
Fourth of July Mallow Kabobs!
Blueberry, Vanilla and Cherry.
Up in New Buffalo MI.
More adorable customers. These gals are the best. One of them drove three hours to get marshmallows. I'm totally serious.
I have groupies.
After burning out four- count them - four - KitchenAid mixers, I bought this.
I also bought a giant convection oven that I refer to as 'the beast'.
I can bake 125 cookies in the time it will take you to read this post.
Wedding favors?
Of course I do that.
Many, many mallows.
Aaron - I couldn't give an update without talking about him.
Have you seen this photo?
Gah. He's a gorgeous boy.
I have more 'real' photos of him on my phone, but that would require too much computer work to transfer them..ha..maybe next time.
He's well.
He's just so danged grown up.
Today I unpacked the fall décor - better late than never - and found the little construction paper pumpkin cutouts we did years ago. I immediately choked up. It just all went so fast. I want a do over! What a gift it would be if just for ONE day -we could go back in time - knowing full well that it was just for that one day - how we would leave our phones be, and be so fully present with our loved ones - wouldn't we?
Oh, if I could just have Aaron ONE MORE DAY as a baby - or a toddler - or five, or ten years old.
A cute caricature a very talented artist/vendor/friend did of me.
I got a bit misty when I saw it - to see me through someone else's eyes - you know?
She didn't draw bucked teeth or anything!
Our signature hot cocoa.
Salted Caramel mallow.
![Off for a little picking with the girls this morning. Stopped for the most amazing hot chocolate with a homemade salted caramel marshmallow from @motherwilma ! Such a delightful treat from a delightful lady! Makes picking even better! #adventuresinabbyland](https://scontent-ort2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s640x640/sh0.08/e35/c0.134.1080.1080/14676580_655498477948839_1892700372615561216_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTM2Njc1NzEzMzI0ODQ3NDkxMg%3D%3D.2.c)
So this month marks two years since I started whipping sugar up into cubes.
It's by far the hardest thing I have ever done.
It has taxed me in every way possible.
Physically - it's exhausting. I have stood some, if not most - for the last two years - for 14 hours a day. My legs bear the tale. My feet sing the song nightly. I've been so cold at markets I've nearly cried. I've been so hot at markets I've nearly fainted. I've been swarmed by wasps. I've been in torrential downpours. I've had the wind nearly take the whole display.
Mentally - Lord have mercy - it's like juggling 59 balls in the air at once. I think there's a reason many businesses fail in the first couple of years. I just don't think some people are willing to give so much of themselves. It's funny - cause I think - it's MARSHMALLOWS for the love of God. But that's just the tip of the iceberg. It's paperwork. Finances. Developing recipes, perfecting recipes. Setting up a commercial kitchen. Dealing with the health department. Display. Graphic design. It goes on and on and on.
Emotionally - well, this is me you are reading about - so of course - I've been all over the board. At times, I feel dramatic and think 'I've ruined our lives!' - and then there are the times - like yesterday - 2pm in the afternoon - and we are swimming at the Y, or it's 7:15 in the morning, and the house is quiet, and Glenco is still wrapped in blankets, sleeping - not up and out at 3am driving a truck - and I think 'alright, alright, alright'.
I still fight fear. A lot. I'm learning. I'm growing. I'm letting go more.
I've met the most fantastic people, a few I consider dear friends now. I've seen people work HARD. I admire that. I always have. I've seen the comradery of generous, hard working people. I see that more than anything - and perhaps it's because I am reaping what I sow - I'm not sure - but I encounter kindness and love 99% of the time, from 99% of the people I meet.
Perhaps it's because I sell marshmallows - I mean - how can you NOT be happy?
If I'm honest - I have to say, things are starting to settle down, even if this IS the last day I have off until mid-December. Perhaps it's my mind that has settled down. I have a good kitchen routine - I have my shows booked for the rest of the year - I know what to expect.
The chaos seems to be ending.
Hope to see more of you!