Have you wondered where I was?
Did you think some evil befell me?
Were you having visions of the chickens pecking at my decaying carcass?
: -)
I'm here - and very, very well!
There's going to be heaps to catch up on - but I just wanted you to know -
I live.
Just over a month ago - my laptop gave up the ghost.
Replacing it, or repairing it was low on my list of priorities - so I just closed it and put it away.
I pulled out my old defunct cell phone and tried to stay somewhat connected through that - but it was such a pain.in.the.butt.
I tried in vain about four times to put a one sentence blog post up letting you guys know what was up.
Thank you for your comments and emails!
A blog reader from California, sweet Mary Jo - heard about my plight on Facebook.
She had a dream in which she sent me a laptop.
Upon waking - she sent me an email saying that she felt she was supposed to send me one.
I hemmed and hawed a bit - not knowing if I could/should accept such a generous gift - and how would she feel if I didn't blog - but just sat around and ate Cheetos and surfed Pinterest?
I thought perhaps I was done blogging.
I was enjoying my season of being unplugged.
Then, one morning whilst making the bed - I had a blog post burning in my duodenum that I felt needed to get typed out. I even had a title for it "Chasing the Noodle".
I accepted her offer.
This beautiful laptop I'm typing up on is nicer than anything I could have purchased for m'self.
It literally just came out the box, and here I sit - pecking feverishly, letting y'all know I'm alive.
Do you know that feeling you have after you've slept in a strange bed for a few nights?
How good your own bed feels?
That's how my fingers feel right now typing up on a real keyboard!
I'll catch up with you in the days ahead.
I've missed you.
PS - I apologize for any technical errors this post seems to have - I have to do some figuring on here....
I've missed you! Every time I get on...I check to see if you have posted. I was beginning to think you were not coming back to us...so glad you are back at it! I always look forward to your posts!
ReplyDeleteThank you Mary Jo! And thank you Jayme for accepting. Welcome back...missed ya!
ReplyDeleteWelcome back, friend!
ReplyDeleteTo have a special friend that will send you what you needed, how awesome that is!!!!!!!!!!!! Bless her for the kindness. Can't wait to read all about it.
ReplyDeleteA wonderful friend you have indeed!
ReplyDeleteWhat a generous gift which we all will share gladly. Have missed laughing out loud with you.
ReplyDeleteHow very nice and generous! There are certainly tons of nice people out here in Blogland!!!! Glad someone was able to Bless you and I am sure they too were Blessed!!!!! Glad to see you didn't get pecked by Chickens!!!! Have missed you! Nancy
Thank goodness all is well. Bless the generous woman who supplied the laptop. We all know you will "pass it forward."
ReplyDeleteI've missed you too. Thought you were on some secret squirrel mission and were laying low for a bit. Glad you're back! And wow, what a lovely and generous thing for Mary Jo to do!
ReplyDeleteI was just thinking of you and here you are! Glad to hear you still walk among the living!
ReplyDeleteThank you California Angel for the laptop! We so appreciate having you back, Jayme! So happy you're doing well!
ReplyDeleteI love how the internet connects people and how many of those people use it for wonderful things like giving people laptops! Glad you are back.
ReplyDeleteOh I've missed you. And truly was thinking about you/wondering what the world ever happened to Jayme... I'm so glad you liveth!
ReplyDeleteIsnt' that wonderful what friends can and will do for you? I'm so glad you said yes! and accepted the gift.
Can't wait to hear all your verbelings over the next however long it takes to share. :)
You are real blessing, my friend! Glad (again!) to know you're okay..
Happy for you!!!
Glad you had a nice break and glad to see you back, Jamie!
ReplyDeleteOh you've been missed . . . best news,
ReplyDeleteYou Are Well. . . .
And Back . . .
The girl lives! I am happy for I have missed you so. XXXX
ReplyDeleteAnd to the laptop dreamer, you are a wonderful human being xxxxxx
ITS ALIVE!!!!!! As you have touched so many with your creative words about REAL life; MJ was moved to be so generous to give to you. What an amazing world we live in. :) Can't wait to hear about whatcha been upto.
ReplyDeleteLois and I were just talking about you the other day....wondering if you were ok. I was composing an email in my head, trying to be tactful, and still find out if you had lost your marbles, taken the bridge, or WTH had happened to you.
ReplyDeleteGlad to see you are back.
I have CHICKS now, and every time I have a question, I think......Jayme would know.
Missed you!
ReplyDeleteIts about time girlfriend!!! Glad everything is up and running again and that you are ok. I missed your posts. I was afraid there was not to be any more Tales. Yes, there are a few blogs I love to frequent and yours is one. Thank God you didn't choose to totally disconnect and go live on the side of a Blue Ridge Mountain or something! Don't even think about it Jayme !! Keep those fingers a moving and a big thank you to your computer fairy!! Now do tell how is your little peace of heaven fairing? Isn't this rain something! I was on such a good garden run and now all my pots are being covered up and being put under the porch of my outbuilding and the deck by our pool in the evening for protection. How is your garden doing? Do tell a tale or two.....glad your back.
Have really missed your posts....so glad you're back!
ReplyDeleteBlessing upon blessing being poured out as you find out what an impact you have in the lives of friends close to you and your cyber friends from afar. I do believe you are well loved from what the comments are saying!
ReplyDeleteHooray for MaryJO!
ReplyDeleteIt's so nice to have you back! What a generous gift from a reader-friend. I'm glad you accepted it--my mom always says we rob another person of the blessing of giving if we don't allow them to give to us.
ReplyDeleteHallelujah!! She's back- and Heidi- I completely agree, the giver and the givee, plus about a bazillion more of us were blessed by this act!
ReplyDeleteWelcome back Coop Keeper!
I thought you had surpassed this season of life. I'm so glad we still get to have a peek of inspiration that happens in that beautiful noggin of yours. :)
ReplyDeleteI was worried with all the rain weve been getting you were busy making an arc for all the chickens! Glad to see you live!
ReplyDeleteGlad you're back Jayme, missed you! x
ReplyDeleteWhat a nice person (sweet Mary Jo) to gift you a way to talk to us. I've missed reading your posts. I envisioned you out in your yard with your flowers and chickens too busy and happy doing everwhat to have time to post. I am glad you are well. I don't know you but I do enjoy reading about your life and times. Take care.
ReplyDeleteHonourable mention to Mary Joe, the founder of the"feast of new Jayme tales"! Welcome back to our screens Jayme - missed your insight 'n humour and all the other good stuff you share here. :o)
So glad you are back online! When we are open, the universe brings us who we need, when we need them most.