I had to giggle at how many of you mentioned you had old Mary Kay Satin Hands.
Loved the stuff, but how many of us are going to go through all those steps?
I would if my hands were not going into water about 4,283 times a day.
Ma Kettle Burlap Hands.
That's what I've got.
55 comments so far on "I'm Stufficating"
I think I hit a hot topic.
I only had about ten minutes to work on my declutter project today, but in that short time - this is what I pulled out of the office/sewing room/pantry/everything room.
If one of my local friends sees something that they gave me here - I apologize.
You know me well enough understand.
I hope.
Four empty glass bottles
Two tablecloths
Large blood pressure cuff
Ear piece for telephone (never used)
Trackball mouse
Cellphone case (it's Aaron's - I hope to God he isn't reading this)
Two bottles of wine (We don't drink anymore)
Three books behind the pillow
Asst. Cookie Cutters
Wooden Painted Box
Recipe Booklets
I should add the total of this up together and see what it comes to, I bet it's a few hundred bucks.
It all went to a good home.
I toyed around with the idea of having a yard sale.
I started freaking out a little over the money that was spent on all of this stuff that I was now basically 'throwing away'.
I thought - wait - let me pile all of this on the front porch, start pricing it - and....
and then I realized that I would doubtfully have it this fall, and then it would sit there all winter taunting me - and then I would work my fool head off for the sale and make a couple of hundred dollars if I were lucky.
It didn't seem worth it to me.
I want it gone now.
I wanted to talk about the cookie cutters for a sec.
Let me preface by saying that the few times that I've watched 'Hoarders' - I usually gasp in disbelief, and I think 'oh man, I just don't get it - how could ANYONE live like THAT!?'
Today, when I pulled the cookie cutters out - I had SUCH an emotional attachment to them.
I actually had a bit of a pain in my stomach - and it dawned on me - "So this is what THEY feel like when asked to throw away a broken hanger?"
I still don't really understand it.
But I get it now - I can sympathize.
If you are wondering WHY I got rid of the cookie cutters - I'll tell ya. I just don't bake anymore - well, hardly ever - and if I do - it's gluten free, and semi-healthy. I don't see myself making rolled sugar cookies for every Holiday anymore - just Christmas. I just saved a few back. I still struggle at times with the whole baking/cooking thing being my very identity.
Truth is, I just really don't want to feed my family and the people I love all of that unhealthy food anymore.
One of the questions recently that my therapist asked me -
"You seem to judge yourself so harshly - do you judge others as harshly?"
My first reaction was 'oh goodness no - I'm seriously like the nicest, most tolerant, understanding person in the Universe'.
She just asked me to watch for judgemental thoughts towards others.
So I did.
In the course of 24 hours, I felt that I judged people three separate times, quite harshly.
While Aaron was testing for his GED, I sat and waited in the school hallway. There was a woman there preparing for a big school Open House the next day - and she was running around like a headless chicken - and she seemed to be in pain, and have a hard time walking. She was quite overweight. I offered to help her - and ended up folding some brochures and ironing tablecloths while I waited on Aaron. See, I am nice.
I had thoughts like this - 'well, girl - if you'd get some of that weight off, you could probably get around much better.' At the end of the night, she told me she'd had a double knee replacement 8 weeks ago. All of the sudden, I thought she was getting around famously.
I'm not really sure how this all ties in with the decluttering - but I noticed in many of your comments, you seemed to be upset with yourself, or shaming yourselves for your mess. Do you feel judged for your mess?
Don't do that.
It's not helping anything.
Be kind to yourself.
Let's pare down and spruce up!