Friday, August 26, 2011

Worth Sqwauking About....

The weather in NW Indiana is positively glorious!
I'm beyond excited.
The humidity is gone!
Everyone around here is excited.

Have a fabulous weekend!


  1. yay for you . I live in a dust bowl but I do love my life. hugs my friend!!

  2. I would love to be able to say the humidity is gone, but that won't happen around here until around the end of October but thank you for reminding how wonderful it will be when it happens. Love the chicken video they are beautiful.

  3. So cute. Have you ever heard that song 'Ain't nobody here but us chickens'?

  4. Oh, how I miss that sound! I can't wait to have chickens again... I miss them terribly!

  5. Beautiful in Ohio too. Little warm yesterday, but Fall is coming!

  6. Funny how some chickens are music to the ears and others, well... not so much. LOL

  7. They do indeed sound happy! We are preparing for more heat during the days, but the evenings and mornings tell me that fall is on its way...hope I am not imagining it. Have a great weekend, too!

  8. LOVE your coop. How do you keep your hens so full of feathers on their backs with a rooster? Maybe it depends on the rooster. Our Barred Rock Rooster had to go. Our hens were (and still are) bald on their backs, some bloodied by his incessant...lovemaking. He also came after my 2 girls when they tried to pick up one of "his" hens. I was told that the feather MAY come back when they molt.

  9. that was just the best 41 seconds of my day...!!!

  10. We've had such glorious weather the last week or so here in south central Nebraska too -- such a blessing after such a hot summer :)


  11. Lucky! We are waiting for Irene to hit in our neighborhood. Our hen will be squawking like that out of fear for her life, if the weather gets as bad as they are anticipating!

  12. They're repeating "Hello? Is is me you're looking for?"

    ovah and ovah again :)

  13. Jayme! Eggs, eggs, we got our first eggs...come over and see...
    xo, Cheryl

  14. Love that sound 15 times a day! LOL! We had good weather here today too. Fall has already started in the walnut across the street from me, and in my dogwoods! Silly trees. Don't they know they have another whole month of summer?


  15. GOOD MORNIN' girls!! Love hearing them cluck! : )

  16. I'm very jealous -- of both the facts that you have chickens and glorious weather right now. We are expecting Hurricane Irene this weekend.

  17. Music to my ears!!! Love the "afternoon chats" my girls have too(that is what my kids call that!)
    My chickens just love it when its cooler in the mornings and evenings here in Kansas- I sware I could just sit outside all day and watch and chat it up with my girls and guys!!! I too have a chair in my coop and's the best part of any day! Love to sit out and have my coffee and give the girls their oatmeal!!

  18. Ha! (smiling)
    Thank you for that!
    My hen-less house thanks you!

  19. I think Spring cleaning is overrated. I've always gone more for the big Fall clean myself. I think mine will wait another week or two til we can fling open the windows and feel the cool breezes!


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