Saturday, September 11, 2010

Some 'Splainin to Do

Ya'll remember Maude and Claude (God rest his soul)?

Ya'll remember Maude's grieving and taking up with the cat?

Ya'll remember Maude's little video of her scurrying off somewhere up in a hurry?

Well - scandal ensues at The Coop.

Here's where she was scurrying to.

That bird be up on the nest.
Who's nest?
Maude's nest!

Mocha the Cat didn't take the news too good, and there was trouble in paradise as you can see here:

I feel a Jake and Vienna happenin' here.

Seems that Mocha barely had time to digest the news that Maude was up on the nest - no sooner than he'd made peace with the situation did this happen.

This was found in the nest with Maude today.

Buddy isn't sayin' a word.

Ooooooo girl, that bird got some 'splainin to do!  Mmmmhmmmm.


  1. Shooooooot!
    That's some scandalous stuff thare!


  2. *lol* You could make a pretty foul soap opera with that story!

  3. Law,why I believe Maude to be a floozy! tsk tsk

  4. Everbody gone be talkin' bout that girl down at da henhouse tonight!

  5. I'm so confused!!! Is that a chiducken? Can that happen?? This puts a whole new spin on farm livin' for me.

  6. Jayme-what kind of hobby farm are you running up there?

  7. Maude just wanted to be a Mother !!! Your Farm is a Peyton Place !!! Going to be some talk going on there!!!

  8. I am confused. HOW did the duck get a chicken egg without opposable thumbs?!?

  9. Remember how Aibie prayed for some floozy and her crotch rotted?

  10. Jayme, so funny!! That Maude is a popular gal on the farm. Love it!! Can't wait to see the babies :)

  11. I think I missed an episode... I'll have to rewind and catch up.

    Is there going to be a paternity test? ;)


  12. That is so hilarious! At least you can get close enough to your duckies to take a picture. Ours hate us!

  13. Crazy how strong the brooding instinct is, eh?

    LOL too cuuuute!

    Is the baby safe from the soon-cold temps?

    I hope Maude finds a boyfriend soon... poor girl. We saw a pair of mallards on the river today and they made me think of you!!

  14. Better than Days of our LIves. And that's sayin' something.

  15. Well....lookit that hussy! lol diana

  16. Well....lookit that hussy! lol diana

  17. I feel like I'm "reading" a soap opera...or opra...or however you spell that daytime stuff!

    And do ducks and roosters "do it"?

    I'm a city girl, so YOU'VE got some 'splainin' to do!!!

    I'll talk to you about this soon.

  18. hmmmm....Sticky sitchi-ation indeed.....Love is not always fair.

  19. I like the look on Maude's face in the nest shot. Like she's about to get busted, but playing it cool.

  20. That chick is going to grow up very confused and with an acute identity problem. Also acquiring language skills may be an issue.

  21. I'm a wannabe chicken keeper. My husband said he will build a coop for me in the spring, I can't wait. Your blog is beautiful. Just started blogging and loving every minute of it. Please stop by perhaps join if you like. I enjoyed my visit this morning.

  22. As always, a hoot to read your makes my morning!

  23. Mmmm...mmmm...mmmm. When the cat's away! Patty

  24. I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't understand. What I do know, is I am HAPPY for Maude. Love that duck!

  25. Just found your blog, am so thrilled! My chickens just up and stopped laying, their favorite rooster succumbed to wounds received from on of our golden retrievers wanting to play. Maybe they are in mourning? I'm looking forward to following your adventures!


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