Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Anti-Anxiety Meds

It's official.
Well, several things are official.
I've gone mad.
I love ducks.

It's that most wonderful time of the year.

It's my own doing though.

I'm fully in charge of making my schedule.
I'm the one that wants a garden.
And ducks.
And chickens.
And fences.
And bees.
And more gardens.

I can get rather worked up.

When I do, all I need to do is look at these little stinkers, and I calm right down.

I lock up the cats during the day, and give the girls free range of the yard.
They like to follow me all over.
I heard a tiny 'quack' the other day.

These ducks break my heart.
In a really good way.

If you look closely, you can see some adult feathers coming in already.
They are a month old today.
I do believe they are both females.
I'm glad, cause I've been imagining stories of them being two old spinster sisters.
Living together, and taking care of each other.
They are truly inseparable.

So, if you're like me, feeling a tad overwhelmed by the joy of spring, and all the work that accompanies it....

Take two of these and call me in the morning.


  1. They are soooo cute... Wish I could just sit and watch them for a while...

  2. SO SO cute, Jayme! I completely understand about how wonderful spring is...but how overwhelming all of the work that goes with it can be. I don't have ducks to watch...so, I'm thinkin' I should drag out the hammock and have a comfy place to rest when I need a break. Loved your pictures!

  3. They do the trick, don't they. So cute. Enjoy your day!

  4. Honest to goodness, when can I meet all of your girls? I'm a little afraid of chickens...and I once had a goose charge at me...but still, my Spring/Summer will not be complete without a trip West.

  5. I love ducks too, geese are a blast also and I miss not having them! Were alot alike, gotta have it all, it's addicting isn't it!

  6. Hi Jayme...I have enjoyed reading through your blog! Not sure exactly how I found it but will be back for another visit cuz that is the only way I can take "take two". Your ducks are soooooooooooo cute!!!

  7. Jayme, YOU are my anti-anxiety medication! You are the best. Your ducks are very cute...but I'm glad they are yours. :)

  8. They are really growing!! So cute! Our chicks are starting to get some more adult-like feathers. We have 4 different breeds, 2 of each breed and each breed has a different personality.

  9. Its too bad they grow so quickly - they're so cute! When we had baby ducks, it was such fun to toss ripped up bread into the water bowl for them, and watch the way they ate it - so funny and sweet! It always made us smile!!

  10. I agree that spending time with our feathered friends has a calming effect. Your babies are so adorable

  11. Animals really are the best medicine for stress! Too cute.

  12. Spinster sisters. Now there's a story just waiting to happen. I used to have a girlfriend and she and I were both divorced and each raising a child. We used to discuss getting old together as room mates. But then she went nuts and I got married and that's the end of that story... LMBO

    The Blue Ridge Gal

  13. Jayme, those ducks are adorable! A great antidote for stress.

  14. I need a FLOCK of these things. Dad is back in the hosptial. UGH!

  15. This post describes my feelings for any type small animal. Mostly little ducks. They are so freakin cute!

  16. Jayme,

    How do they get on with the girls? What will keep them from 'flying the coop' so to speak? They are adorable.


  17. Can I tell my husband that? Think he'll buy it?

    I remember on 9/11, like everyone, I was devastated. After HOURS of being glued to the news, I looked out my window and started watching the birds at the feeder. And I knew everything would be alright. That God was sovereign and still on His throne. Nature has a beautiful way of communicating so much out the heavenly Father! (Romans 1:19,20)

  18. Man, oh man, I need these in my life right now. I've been carrying around a "sack of rocks"...

  19. Those ducks are darling! I wonder if you have read, Make Way for Ducklings by Rober McCloskey. Saw the statues in Public Garden in Boston! It is so cool!

    Sad news, we went out to check my 2 hives and the bees have disappreared! That can happen and i just sat there and cried like a baby, probably the pain meds for me knee had a little to do with the outburst but i was so sad. Hubby tried so hard to reasure me by saying...hiney the bees are not dead they are just living somewhere else, but I wanted them living with me!

  20. please excuse the poor spelling my hubby does not call me HINEY...haha he calls me HONEY!

  21. Jayme...your ducklings are so cute. I don't know if I'd get any work done because I'd just want to watch them all the time...LOL!

    I planted lettuce and peas in my garden yesterday...Yay!!

    Have a great day.

  22. So, with your propensity for starting new blogs these days, do I see Tales from the Quack Keeper in your future?
    They are adorable. And, I agree that we are our own worst enemy when it comes to piling up the spring projects....it simply can't be helped though!

  23. Too cute!!!

    I too am overwhelmed by all of the outside work to be done, but I can sit for quite awhile and watch the ducks that visit our pond!!

    Love the sister thought. EVeryone should have a sister. Maybe, since they are spinsters, they could be Miss Mammie and Miss Emily from the Waltons!!

    Just a thought!

  24. You're killing me with all that baby duck cuteness. You've got Emma begging for ducks.

  25. Aww. Your ducks are getting bigger!
    I think they are so adorable...I want some too. Alas, I shall have to continue my duck therapy vicariously through you. Thanks!

  26. For sure the best meds! I have a list of names picked out for my chicks. Hubs thinks I have lost my mind I am sure. Went to the post office today to give the expected arrival date. They asked if they could call the first thing in the morning when they arrived. I said yes indeed! We have a pair of Mallards that come in and sit on our pond each morning. Then Ladybug wakes up and makes a ton of noise and off they fly. Bother.

  27. Oh Jayme,
    I this may sound perverse, but reading about Aarom actually made me smile. My step-son does the most awful things sometimes. I felt better just hearing that someone is dealing with the same kinds of behavior. I pray that they both grow up and become productive men. Sometimes I have my doubts...

  28. Works every time! Nature is the best anti-depresent around! :)

  29. I just stumbled upon your blog and was a picture of baby ducks. I thought I was the only one using ducklings as meditation. I completely understand how you feel just watching them in so relaxing, so calming. You might want to check out my blog since I am currently writing a series called The Dilly Chronicles. The story details how I came to have and raise a wild baby duck and the joy I experienced doing it.
    I love your duck pictures and I am looking forward to reading about your chickens.

  30. OMG they are so cute! I am like you, I think they are the sweetest thing ever. I would love to have them in my back yard. It really seems like they are inseparable, one small family one may say. Anyways, Spring might be a little overwhelming. We bacome anxious since we want to start planning or doing everything we weren`t able to do because of the Winter. I`m working on Overcoming anxiety so I can take thing easy and start enjoying the beauty of Spring and its colors.
    Nice post, even nicer blog!

  31. This is wonderful blog. I love it.


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